Hi! My name is Ivo, I am a Computer Scientist from Brazil, based at Federal Institute of Alagoas, in Maceió, where I work as a Lecturer and Researcher. As a researcher, I am a regular member of the Center of Excellence for Social Technologies. Also, during my MSc and PhD periods I was associated with the Embedded Systems and Pervasive Computing Laboratory, advised by professors Angelo Perkusich and Hyggo Almeida. For my complete resumé please refer to my CV in Lattes database (in Portuguese). Ah, you can also access my CV in English.
This website works as portfolio for anyone interested in my work, and will easily connect you to my academic projects, repositories, channels, and everything related. Feel free to reach me if you want to ask anything or just say hi - just go the icons bellow my pic for contact information.
P.S.: Right now this page is work in progress, ok? I’ll update it in the next few days, weeks, years (?!?).
DSc in Electrical Engineering, 2015
Federal University of Campina Grande, Brazil
MSc in Computer Science, 2010
Federal University of Campina Grande, Brazil
BSc in Computer Science, 2008
Federal University of Alagoas, Brazil
Introduction to System Virtualization, 2019
National Education and Research Network, Brazil
Wireless Technologies, 2018
National Education and Research Network, Brazil
IPV6, 2015
National Education and Research Network, Brazil
SPCoding and Information School, 2015
State University of Campinas, Brazil
Advanced Routing, 2011
National Education and Research Network, Brazil
Regular undergrad courses at IFAL in the last few years:
I also teach on demand courses on Linux Kernel Development.
Brazilian to the bone, I was born and raised at São Bento do Una/Pernambuco, city located in the northeast of Brazil, one of the poorest regions of my country. Since 2004, due to work and study needs, I have moved to different cities, such as Maceió/Alagoas, Campina Grande/Paraíba, Palmeira dos Índios/Alagoas and now, again, Maceió. Although the social issues of that city I truly love Maceio and completely agree with other citizens of Maceio when they used to say that "I live where you take vacations"!
In my personal life, I married and I'm completely in love with my wife Lilian Karolline ("Just 'Karol' as she usually stresses") and my little brat Rafael.